This is what happens when i'm supposed to write a blog post and i can't think of anything to write about. Consider yourself stuck having to look at a picture of my sweet and adorable kitty named Tai. He is a rescue from the Animal Refuge League of Greater Portland. I support them every month and send food and toys from their Amazon List to all the kitties waiting to find their forever homes. They are an amazing organization.
We found Tai in a cage sleeping in one of the backroom areas. He is a seal point Himalayan breed and was 6 years old when we met him. It was the second time he had been to the shelter. His previous forever family returned him because they had kids and dogs and this kitty just wasn't having any of it. I felt so bad after hearing that, no kitty deserves to be at the shelter twice. We put him in a carrier, got him in the car, and brought him home. We opened up his carrier in our living room and he was quite curious about everything, he just had to check things out. Once he knew the coast was clear, he was very happy. He literally rolled around on the floor playing with the toys we had gotten him. I just love happy endings.
I love animals. I love animals more than people. I have no mixed emotions with Tai, it's unconditional love. I can talk to him about anything and he doesn't talk back or give me a hard time. Even at 3am when he wakes me up because he's hungry, he does it so politely. He seems to me like an old soul. His blue eyes are mesmerizing and captivating. He is my fur baby and I am babbling. I'm also a crazy cat lady and proud of it.
I think everyone who is able to should adopt an animal. They bring so much love to your life. If you aren't in a position to adopt, you should consider donating a few items from their much needed Amazon List. Click here to access the resource page with all the links.